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Classroom Policies

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Whole Class Management:

The class can work together to earn a class prize by filling up a marble jar. When our class demonstrates examples of respectful behavior they can earn marbles. The class votes on a reward each time we fill the jar.


We will use the CHAMPS framework to establish classroom expectations at the beginning of the year. These will be referenced daily and retaught when needed. Students are expected to follow our classroom rules and guidelines for success.

Hole Punch Cards:

When individual students show outstanding behavior they have the opportunity to earn hole punches on their hole punch card. Every student is responsible for keeping track of their own card. Once they receive 10 hole punches they can choose a reward from our rewards bulletin board.

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Assessment Information

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Types of Assessments used to measure student progress throughout the year:

  • Formative Assessments
  • Unit Assessments
  • Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) - Reading and Math

Grading System

  • Formative (daily) work:

    • I check student work/behavior/attitudes daily to inform my instruction.

  • Summative (final) assessments:

    • The rubric found on the district report card is below. It does not correspond to letter grades (A, B, etc.):

      • S = Secure: The student demonstrates mastery of this topic and applies it independently.

      • D = Developing: The student demonstrates inconsistent mastery of this topic.

      • B = Beginning: The student demonstrates an introductory level of mastery of this topic.

      • N/A = Not Assessed

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4th Grade Information

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Behavior Expectations


Homework Expectations



Social Studies

Fourth Grade Team


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Student ​Resources

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Class Code: rzh8708


Math Apps


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Meet the Teacher

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I am so excited that I get to be your child's 4th grade teacher. I have been ​teaching for 16 years and 13 of those have been spent in 4th grade. 4th ​graders are curious, independent and very, very funny! They make my job ​fun and exciting.

I'm a Buffalo Grove, Illinois native and a Stevenson High School alum. I went ​to college at the University of Kansas where I got my bachelors degree in ​journalism. I received my first Master's degree in teaching from National Louis ​and a second Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia ​University.

Currently I live in Northbrook with my husband, Adam and our 2 kids. My son, ​Riley just turned 8 and is starting third grade this year. My daughter, Millie, is 5 ​and likes to keep all of us on our toes with her determination to keep up with ​her older brother. She Is very excited to start kindergarten this year!

4th grade is so much fun! I love to pass along my love of reading, writing, ​asking questions and searching for answers.

If you ever have any questions for me please let me know. I am always ​happy to help. Send me an email and we can schedule a meeting at any ​time.

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Family Resources

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Please email me at for any questions. This is the easiest way for me to communicate throughout the day. You can also reach me by phone at (847)510-6800. I am available to schedule meetings after school.




Donate to our ​classroom!

Useful Family
